Saturday, June 16, 2012

Jenna the Hen...

My chickens have had a run of bad luck. First Momo the rooster died from a respiratory thing, and then Jenna got constipated. I always bring my sick chickens in the house so they can have peace, quiet, warmth, safety...  she got better and I took her back to the coop. Then she got sick again. Spent a week in the house getting the royal treatment. Hot water bottle, long leisurely soaks in warm water, a finger up the butt to get things moving - okay, not completely royal as far as treatment goes, but necessary. I injected olive oil into her throat and fed her grapes and she rallied for a few days... and then yesterday she was unresponsive and barely breathing. She died early this morning. Poor thing. Now Honey is the last of the 5 pullets we bought from an old farmer in Blewett several years ago. 

Jenna in her warm bath, aka my vegetable sink...

Excuse the mess in my kitchen. Not only did I have a sick chicken to look after, but I have been dealing with excruciating upper back, shoulder and neck pain for weeks. I finally gave in and started physio, but it got worse. Now I'm going to Dr. Remi Champagne, a chiropractor who my friend Bev swears by. He doesn't do treatments to fix an injury per se, but he aligns the spine which allows the central nervous system to do its thing without blockages. Hard to explain, but similar to the issues that people with MS have to deal with. I've been 4 or 5 times and I'm already noticing huge differences in many little ways. Tonight is not indicative of my feeling better. The weather - raining a-frigging-gain, is causing arthritis to flare up in several of my favourite joints, and I'm suffering big time. Of course, we've been trying to get the yard looking good while painting the house... suckers for punishment, I'd say! Here's a sneak preview of the paint job... nice, eh?! We're going to do red and white trim around the doors and windows. And if it ever stops raining, we can paint the parts that aren't covered.