Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nursing Nurse Norm and a Sick Chick...

Norm's come down with a bad cold... not good for him with his compromised immune system, but these things happen. He's actually kind of enjoying the mucus in his nasal passages (radiation 10 years ago eliminated most of the moisture in his head)...

And poor Dawneen has been living in a box in my office since yesterday morning. I'm surprised she hasn't died. No food or water till I tried grapes today and she wolfed them down. I didn't want to give her too many and risk an upset tummy on top of whatever she's dealing with, but she'll get a little chopped up plate of them for breakfast if she's still with us. Tracey at choir practice last night told me about chickens she once had who developed a virus that caused them to be unable to stand up, and it swept through the flock and they had to destroy all of them. I hope that's not what we're dealing with here... time will tell.

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