Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 2

Today I started off with a healthy breakfast (and an invite to a Zumba class, which I declined... I really do dislike exercising, but thanks for the offer "Fat Girl in a Skinny World"!). I had a free range, homegrown hard-boiled egg and a rye crisp (carbs and protein... yay me!). But really quite gross... I'm NOT a breakfast person. I do like my morning coffee with whipped cream in it though.

Lunch was thrown together because I had a conference call and then had to catch a bus to work in town. I threw 2 more rye crisps (I suppose they're only healthy in moderation, huh?), a cucumber and a small container of full-fat, full-sugar Activia yogurt... mmmmm!!!!!

I'm dealing with having to use the toilet an awful lot, but I'm getting at least 2 litres of water a day, as per my personal goal. I also walked to the bus stop and back today, so I got my 20 measly minutes of exercise in. It's a start! It's kind of pathetic, but my first exercise of the day is to try and touch my toes. I'm about 6 inches away. I used to be able to lay the palms of my hands flat on the floor... not that long ago. I guess my work is cut out for me.

Supper was one of my old favorite lunches from when I used to do the Curves diet. A big bowl of lettuce, some red onion, a can of tuna and oil/vinegar/salt/pepper dressing. It's just as good as I remembered, especially when I'm starving!!

Snack tonight will be a small piece of cheddar, a small glass of red wine and a small handful of nuts. mmmmm!!!!

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